CANMORE ! A clever choice !

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How to update device Firmware?

How to update device Firmware?

If you find any issue with the user interface, please contact our customer service through We will send you the latest update.

  • Get the updated firmware from our customer service.
  • The firmware is a compressed folder. Please unzip it first, and remain the folder’s name as “update”.
  • Connect the watch to the computer USB port by using the charging cable.
  • Drag the whole “update” folder from step 2 into the watch disk.
  • After the files had been copied into the watch completely, remove the charging clip.
  • The watch will switch on and update automatically (refer to the following picture). The updating will take 3-5 minutes.
  • Enter [About Watch] to confirm the new firmware had been updated.

To learn how to update firmware, please refer to the following videos.
Through PC:
Through Mac:

What languages are available on CANMORE devices?

What languages are available on CANMORE devices?

Please find the language support list below:

Language TW-353 / 356 / H300 TW-203 TW-410G / 411 TW-402HR / 410 HG200 / HG200 Plus
English O O O O O
Chinese (简体中文) O O O O O
Chinese (繁體中文) O O O O O
Deutsch O O O O O
French (Français) O O O O O
Hungarian (Magyar) O
Italian (Italiano) O O O O
Japanese (日本語) O O O O O
Korean (한국어) O O O O O
Polski O
Spanish (Español) O O O O O
Bahasa Melayu O O O O

Due to storage capacity, the device is unable to install all languages listed above. If you find your preferred language is not loaded, the firmware update is required. Please contact our customer service to get the most updated firmware.